Muita atenção abaixo quando verificar com as respostas da sua apostila ou copie as respostas como forma de estar corrigindo. Na próxima aula verei quem fez a correção.
Tendo dúvidas em relação ao porquê de certas resposta aqui dadas, procure-me na próxima aula para eu explicar.
Isto é tudo para o momento...
ps: deixe depois alguma mensagem no blog, sugerindo, criticando, etc., mas que sejam críticas que auxilie, que possamos construir juntos, ok!!! bai bai!!! (bye bye).
Prof. Márcio.
PÁGINAS 23,24 - Exercício n. 3 (apostila 1º volume):
a) When did your first book come
b) When did you win the UNICEF
Special Representative Title?c) What did you do from 1993 to 1999?
d) Did you see a lot of misery in Afghanistan?
e) Did you exhibit portraits from The Children?
f) Did your wife design The Children?
g) Did you donate your reproduction rights?
PÁGINA 25 (Exercícios no qual deve-se escrever frases na forma
interrogativa em Inglês, baseando-se nas respostas já dadas. O uso do auxiliar DID
é necessário, pois de acordo com o conteúdo
gramatical visto em sala, a função dele é transformar/passar a pergunta
criada para o pretérito, ou seja, passado).
a)When did He
form his first rock band?b) When did Bono´s mother died?
c)Where did Bono meet his wife and the future members of U2?
d) When did Paul David Henson get his nickname?
e) When dia Bono and Ali get married?
f) How many children did they have?
g) where did U2 perform in 1984?
h) Why did he receive the MTV Free Your Mind Award in 1999?
i) Where did the band played in 2001?
j) What did U2 receive in 2003?
k) Who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize?
l) What did Bono help to organize?
m) When did Bono and Brian Williams travel to Africa to showcase the humanitarian crisis on the continent?
n) When did Time Magazine name Bono Vox as one of the 100 “Most Influential People”?
Exercício n.: 5.
a) (já se encontra feita como exemplo na apostila).
b) Did you
do anything special 3 months ago?
c) What did
you do in 2002?d) What was the name of the last movie you saw?
e) What did you do on your last vacation?
f) What did you do yesterday?
g) What were you doing 15 hours ago?
h) Did you do anything special last year?
i) How was the last party you went to?
j) What was your favorite subject 2 years ago?
k) Did you do anything special last night?
l) How was your last family get-together?
Exercício n.: 2.
a) Was
Agatha Christie a mystery writer? Yes, she was.b) Did you go to the movies last weekend? Yes, I did. / No, I didn´t.
c) Was Pablo Neruda a Brazilian poet? No, he wasn´t.
d) Did you and your family travel last holidays? Yes, we did. / No, we didn´t.
e) Was George Bush the President of the United States? Yes, he was.
f) Were you home last night? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn´t.
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